#!/bin/bash # simh-wrapper --- wrapper around simh # Author: Noah Friedman # Created: 2010-10-09 # Public domain. # $Id: simh-wrapper,v 1.1 2012/05/31 05:30:54 friedman Exp $ # Commentary: # To use this, create a simh command script `simh..in' in the same # directory with its virtual disks, and in that file add a comment of the # form: # # ;; simh=pdp11 # # (substitute whatever the appropriate binary is for your emulated system) # # The binary will be searched in ../bin relative to the simh.in file as # well as the rest of your PATH list. # This script sets up network interfaces for your guest using linux's iproute2 # As follows: # # (vm) <-> if_guest <-> if_host <-> if_bridge # # The vm communicates with the host, and the outside world, via the bridge # interface. The bridge interface should exist and be up already. The # if_guest/host interfaces are created and torn down when the vm starts and # exits. # # In addition to bridging, this script requires a linux kernel which # supports "veth" ethernet tunnels (see iproute2 documentation and linux # drivers/net/veth.c source). This removes the need to create multiple # tap/tun interfaces and then run a userspace program to shuttle packets # between them. # If you have no bridge interface set up already, make sure you have brctl # (from the bridge-utils distribution) installed. On Fedora/RedHat/CentOS, # you can create a file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-simhbr0 with: # # DEVICE=simhbr0 # TYPE=Bridge # IPADDR= # NETMASK= # # And then bring it up with "ifup simhbr0". # Code: setup() { progname=${0##*/} progdir=${0%/*} case $progdir in $0 ) progdir=. ;; esac if [ -z "$1" ]; then find_simh_conf . "$progdir" elif [ -d "$1" ]; then find_simh_conf "$1" elif [ -f "$1" ]; then case $1 in *simh.*.in ) topdir=${1%/*} case $topdir in $1 ) topdir=. ;; esac vmname=${1##*simh.} vmname=${vmname%.in} vmfile_in=$topdir/simh.$vmname.in ;; * ) topdir=${1%/*} vmname=${1##*/} vmfile_in=$1 ;; esac else fatal "$1: File not readable or does not exist" fi verbose "Using $vmname simh configuration in $topdir" vmfile_tmp=${TMPDIR-/tmp}/simh.$vmname.$$ find_bridge verbose "Using $bridge for ethernet bridge" veth0=${vmname}_host veth1=${vmname}_guest simh=`sed -ne '/;.*[ ]simh=\([a-z0-9]*\)/{s//\1/p;q;}' "$vmfile_in"` case $simh in '' ) fatal "$vmname: don't know which simh binary to use" ;; esac PATH=$topdir/../bin:$PATH for prog in $simh simh-$simh; do if type -P $prog > /dev/null; then simh=`type -P $prog` break fi done verbose "Using $simh executable" uid=${UID-`id -u`} # simh passes local time to guest which infers it is UTC; # so tell simh that local time is in fact UTC. TZ=UTC export TZ } find_simh_conf() { for dir in "$@"; do if find_vmname "$dir"; then topdir=$dir return 0; fi done fatal "cannot find any simh config file (simh.*.in)" } find_vmname() { for f in "$1"/simh.*.in; do test -f "$f" || continue vmfile_in=$f vmname=${f#$1/simh.} vmname=${vmname%.in} return 0 done return 1 } find_bridge() { for br in $SIMH_BRIDGE simhbr0 qemu0 ; do if [ -f /sys/class/net/$br/bridge/bridge_id ]; then bridge=$br return 0 fi done for br in /sys/class/net/*/bridge/bridge_id; do bridge=${br#/sys/class/net/} bridge=${bridge%%/*} return 0 done fatal "cannot find any ethernet bridge interface" } check_simh_netcap() { case $uid in 0 ) return ;; esac test -x "$simh" || return; if ! getcap "$simh" | grep -q cap_net_raw.ep; then sudo setcap cap_net_raw+ep "$simh" fi } net_setup() { bridge=$1 veth0=$2 veth1=$3 if ! [ -f /sys/class/net/$bridge/bridge/bridge_id ]; then echo "${0##*/}: $bridge: ethernet bridge interface missing. Aborting." 1>&2 exit 1 elif [ -d /sys/class/net/$veth0 ]; then echo "${0##*/}: $veth0: ethernet interface already exists. Aborting." 1>&2 exit 1 fi ip link add $veth0 type veth peer name $veth1 brctl addif $bridge $veth0 ip link set $veth0 up ip link set $veth1 up } net_teardown() { veth0=$1 veth1=$2 # $veth0 will be removed from the bridge automatically. ip link del $veth0 type veth peer name $veth1 } asroot() { uid=${uid-${UID-`id -u`}} fn=$1 shift case $uid in 0 ) $fn "$@" ;; * ) sudo "$0" __$fn "$@" ;; esac } start() { asroot net_setup $bridge $veth0 $veth1 || exit $? sed "s/\$TUNDEV/$veth1/" "$vmfile_in" > "$vmfile_tmp" (cd $topdir exec "$simh" "$vmfile_tmp" "$@" ) exitstat=$? } stop() { exitstat=${exitstat-$?} rm -f "$vmfile_tmp" asroot net_teardown $veth0 $veth1 trap '' 1 2 3 15 return $exitstat } fatal() { echo "${0##*/}: $*" 1>&2 exit 1 } verbose() { case ${SIMH_VERBOSE+t} in t ) echo "${0##*/}: $*" ;; esac } main() { case $1 in '' ) : ;; __net_setup | __net_teardown ) fn=${1#__}; shift ; $fn "$@" ; exit $? ;; * ) conf=$1 ; shift ;; esac setup $conf check_simh_netcap trap 'stop; exit $exitstat' 1 2 3 15 start "$@" stop } main "$@" # eof